Welcome to my new website


Welcome to my brand new website. I am so excited and honoured that you have chosen me as your yoga instructor! If, like many people today in this fast paced world of ours with an ever demanding schedule; if any one is looking for a great workout which will help ease stress or improve their posture then look no further because the ancient art form known simply by its Sanskrit name “Yoga” has been shown time after again over centuries ago since it was first practiced some 5000 years before our era (more than 2000 BC)that Yoga can be used not only just physically but also mentally too through various techniques such at pranayama breathing exercises where we need air/rajas energy flowing smoothly within us without interruption.

Yoga by Evangeline is the perfect place to find all of your yoga needs. Whether you want to learn how, or just need some guidance on what type of class would be best for you, we have something for everyone. We offer online classes, pre-recorded classes as well as one-on-one and group classes that will resume once Covid restrictions are eased.

Yoga is a form of exercise that originated in Ancient India. It includes physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation or relaxation (Savasana). Yoga has been shown time after again over centuries ago since it was first practiced some 5000 years before our era where yoga can be used not only just physically but also mentally too through various technique such at pranayama(breathing exercises)where we need air/rajas energy flowing smoothly within us without interruption which leads to peace tranquility the inner me so I feel more balanced with myself as well my surroundings on earth.

There are many benefits that come from practicing yoga such as reduced stress, improved flexibility, reduction in muscle pain and healthier body overall. It also helps with better sleep! I’ve tried my best to make this website easy and user friendly so it’s easy for clients like yourself to navigate through our site and find exactly what they’re looking for without any hassle at all. Click here now if you’re interested in trying out Yoga by Evangeline today!

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